How to request editing permissions & adding faculty to the website

We know September has arrived when we start receiving requests about adding faculty/staff to websites and how to grant editing permissions for new staff. This article will explain the process for both requests.

  1. How do I add faculty or staff to our department website (or Directory)?
  2. How do I request permission to edit the website (for myself, or for another staff member)

Adding faculty or staff (users) to department websites (or directories) is something that only WebHelp staff can do. Once a user has been added, anyone with content editing permissions can edit the user profiles. Additionally, faculty or staff who have been added to a directory *usually* have editing permissions to edit their own profile. 

Here is what to include in your directory request to help us process your requests quickly and efficiently.

Adding users to a department directory

Send your request to add users to a department directory to with the following information:

  1. The person’s name 
  2. The person’s CAS email (we use employees’ CAS names to add them to the website) 
  3. The URL of the website the person needs to be added to
  4. The department they are in (to connect to a specific directory within a college)
  5. If possible, their role: Faculty or affiliated faculty or staff etc. (That helps us to display them in the appropriate spot within a department directory.)

An example email to WebHelp may look like this: 

Please add Jean Nissen ( to the website directory. They are faculty in the Anthropology department and should display on this page:

Requesting editing permissions for self/or others

If you have hired staff or students whose responsibilities will include editing the website, please be aware that anyone requesting permission to edit content on any website needs to have taken the standard accessibility training within the last two years. 

Once they have passed the accessibility training, that individual can contact WebTech directly at to request permission to edit a site. They need to include the following in their request:

  1. Full Name
  2. CAS email
  3. Date that the accessibility training was completed
  4. The website URL they would like permission to edit (

One of the web tech staff will grant site editing permissions and let the user know how to log in.

Additionally, WebTech provides beginning Drupal training for new content editors to give them hands on instruction on the Drupal platform.

As always, if you have any questions about your website, please send an email with your inquiry to and we will try our best to answer them.