Editing Faculty and Staff Website Directory Profiles

Most faculty and staff at Western have been set up as Drupal website users. Each user has a profile that can be customized to fit individual or departmental needs. Faculty and staff have the ability to edit their own profiles to add information including a photo, contact info (Office location, email, phone number) and current information (Office Hours, Job Title) and more.

To Edit your Profile

  1. Type your department website URL into a browser then add /user.
    For example, https://chss.wwu.edu/user
  2. Click the “Universal Log in” link to connect with your universal username and password.
    • You may see see an error message saying "There was an error. Please contact a site administrator."
      A red box with error message text appears above a site's login link
    • This usually means you don't yet have an account in the site for your profile. Please reach out to your department's site owner if appointed, or directly to web.help@wwu.edu to get an account set up.
  3. Once you've logged in, you can tell you are logged in as your CAS name will display in the upper right hand corner of the user menu bar; while both the "Edit profile" and "Log out" links are displayed on the left.
    User interface by a logged in user with arrows depicting user name, edit profile and log out links.
  4. Click the "Edit Profile" menu tab to customize your profile.
  5. The “Edit profile” window has several fields available for you to customize your profile. Don't edit your password, as this field uses your universal password. (It will update automatically when your universal password is updated, as it is synced with your Western account.)
  6. Start by adding your photo (the default photo is a black and white icon of a person). Please use a photo that is less than 1 MB in size. Then add additional information as you like, including your pronouns, professional job title (Instructor/Professor), or if you have a Title Degree (PhD, MFA). Add your office location, office hours, email address, phone number, personal website, or social media links. In the About section, add your bio including educational background. There are also fields to add your current courses, publications, and external links if you choose to do so.
  7. You can use the CV field to easily upload a link to your CV. Click the “Browse” button in this field to locate your file, and “Upload” to add the document.
  8. You can also add images or additional documents to your profile by selecting the Media Library icon  from the menu  and choosing “Add file.”
  9. Name your file and add descriptive alternative text for any images.
  10. Important: Once you are finished adding information, click “Save” to complete the file upload.
  11. When you finish editing your profile, (be sure to click "Save" at the bottom of the page) you can then view your profile to double check that it displays as expected. Click "View Profile" on the menu bar on the upper left hand side of the page. When you are completely finished, click "Log Out" to log out of your account.
  12. Your profile should be saved within the Department you were added to and should have the URL pattern, /dept-name/CAS-user. For example: https://chss.wwu.edu/linguistics/cas-name-here.

While there could be fields in the instructions that may or may not apply to you/or your department, the more information you provide, the more engaging your published profile will be.

Questions? Please feel free to reach out to web.help@wwu.edu

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